Client: BMW
Agency: Hoffmann Und Campe
Art Direction: Gabriele Mayrhofer-Mik
Agency: Hoffmann Und Campe
Art Direction: Gabriele Mayrhofer-Mik
For it's 100th anniversary, the BMW Group commissioned me and several other artists to create a piece of art visualizing where transportation might be in the next 100 years. Titled "The Next 100", this handsome volume contains hundreds of beautiful photos and essays on the subject. Each artist was also asked to give their own predictions. The full text of my piece, titled "No Turn on Red", can be found below.

The volumes were only given out to BMW's most valued customers, along with signed and numbered prints from each artist.
Additionally, the artwork was exhibited at the Frieze Art Fair in NYC.

The full text reads:
"If I were to speculate about what transportation will look like in the future, I would call it a mixture of the familiar and the fantastic," says Jude Buffum. Maybe the fuel that drives it would cost nothing, he adds. And maybe it would draw on various energy sources around us: hydrogen, wind power or solar energy. But what is paramount for this American artist is that it must be environmentally friendly. Perhaps, he muses, we don't really need to be mobile at all and driving a car will be a nostalgic pastime. This exciting vision is illustrated by his work "No Turn on Red". For, as he explains, while we are wating for our atoms to reassemble themselves correctly after being beamed through the galaxy, we will have plenty of time to experience through video games what it was once like for our forebears to drive a car.